Choose Epixel Solutions for Having the Best MLM Software Plans

You have already known about what is a MLM software company. If you manage a multi level marketing company, you know the functions of you and you also feel the urge if all the works have been done by the MLM software. If you know a little about the multilevel marketing and want to open a company on it, you have acquired quite perfect knowledge on it.

What is multilevel marketing company?

Multilevel marketing is a kind of marketing policy through which you have to manage the sales force of you and the sales generated by the salesperson under your team. The sales force working “down line” should be noticed, calculated, and incentive allotted for it, etc. should be done real time basis to increase the sales force. But, think of the matter, how is it possible without MLM software that can track real time basis. This is why, you have to contact the best MLM software company having dedicated team to create and manage all the essential fields of MLM business.

MLM software and plans

So, you are now clear that MLM software can perform magnificently for taking care for your business. However, according to your marketing policy and strategy, you will be able to maintain everything of your business, and so you have to choose MLM software plans that will support your specific marketing and business policies. The available plans are-

  • Binary plans
  • Matrix plan
  • Unilevel plans
  • Board plans
  • Gift plans
  • Stair step plans
  • Spill over binary
  • Monoline plans
  • Australian binary
  • Generation plan
  • Party play
  • Australian X UP
  • Mgoldex plan, etc.

When you are planning for a binary plan, from Epixel solutions, you will feel the unlimited growth of potential. However, it is a daunting task for all to manage such a business and software platform makes it easy. This is why, you always have to choose the best MLM software plans for your marketing essence so that your business go through a perfect line.

If you choose matrix plans, you are welcome. We have all sorts of plans according to your essence. However, you have to make us confirmed about on which plans you are working or want to enlarge your marketing policy.

Our toil-your joy

  • We, the best MLM software company, always offer you #1 service for in accordance your marketing policy.
  • We always check quality and performance of the software and fix the bugs if there is any
  • We provide support even after the software is successfully handed over to the clients
  • You will always get up-to-date software platform so that you can the most updated feature on your software.
  • We always offer the software development at a lowest ever cost

So what’s the biggest secret in Multi-Level Marketing?

It’s no secret at all and it all starts with a first step and that is-

Decision – You make a decision. It should be firm decision where you do not let your fears to hold you back.

You work on your skills – Hone your skill. Be it communication skills, follow up, presentations, public speaking etc, you should hone your skill

Find a mentor – Finding a right mentor will save a lot of time for you journey to success. So if you hang out with best network marketers chances are you will become one too.

Find an effective MLM software – In a Multi Level Marketing business membership and compensations can be complicated and multi level marketing software is therefore really a must. With the increasing number of people now selecting for this kind of software for businesses, it is important to know exactly what MLM software provides

While MLM software services are in demand, pricing varies from one software vendor to another. It is advisable to choose your software vendor wisely. The software package they offer should allow you to create your own reports.

If you desire your MLM industry to be an enormous one, you must study how to employ tactics of network marketing program to discover goals of public who have the identical concern.

Still the most important question remains unanswered – what makes the MLM software so extensive in its operations?

Well; the answer is simple – it has a direct relation with the shield it constructs to protect the company from all sorts of the odds. It helps in the process of counting the revenue of every employee and also assists in increasing the employees by expanding the chain.

Multi-level marketing can be managed only when it is monitored by software. Anything other than this would simply consume lot of time and effort to calculate earnings and sales of each member. The software you choose should be in relation to the arrangement and requirement of customer. This is also why the customized MLM Software has made a staggering success

Using network marketing software stands as the smartest way for helping your business grow. Effective and agile MLM software helps take the burden out of doing a lot of paperwork and tracking all your leads or sales.

You should be very careful about who you choose as the software provider. Make a wise choice when selecting the mlm software company!

So as the time comes when you need to select the MLM software for your business, start asking the right questions to the right people. It is important to choose effective, promising, experienced mlm software in India. You will benefit from choosing the right mlm software for your needs!









Basic tools available for both beginner and veteran MLM marketers

Tell us; are you in search of the best network marketing tools for your MLM business? You have come to the right place. In this blog post we will talk about the few basic tools available for both beginner and veteran marketers out there.

By utilizing these tools and using them in in combination, you can reach new levels of success with your marketing campaign. Read on to get the details about these network marketing tools.

Marketing Campaign: Of course; this is the must tool for the network marketers. Take it in writing; without a good marketing campaign, you will have no means to building a successful business on the internet. There is hardly any denying that there are millions of users on the internet daily so you may only get just a few minute or seconds to capture their attention. You can therefore use your marketing campaign as an opportunity for letting them know about your business and what you do.

Capture Pages: Indeed; for the beginners, capture page is one of the most crucial parts of your website. In fact this is where your visitors will be lead and this is the place where  they can provide their personal information to be included into your mailing list. Limit the information required to name and email as most of the time people are uncomfortable about giving away their personal information.

Email Auto Responder System: A whole lot of network marketers have utilized email autoresponders as typically their own basic network marketing tools. It makes your life so much easier. It is all about setting up the system to send out daily emails to your contact. It is also about communicating on a more personal level.

Social Networking Sites: Look up and around the explosion of social media has offered an interesting prospect for internet marketers. This means; if you are not on these networks, then you are missing out on a lot.

There is no secret that creating new levels is the main aim of any MLM business. It is all about proceeding to the upper levels and about gathering more commission automatically. But the fact is also undeniable that more the level goes up, the more the complexity of the business increases. This is why more and more companies are using MLM software and making the most of the mlm plan. After all it is all about making the calculations as simple as possible.








Bitcoin Integrated MLM Software? Let’s Decode

OK, so what’s Bitcoin? No it is certainly not an actual coin rather a “cryptocurrency.

New age e currency has  revolutionized the business landscape. Almost as an obvious result; MLM software provided with advanced online payment methods now stands as the key to success for an MLM company. This is also where the Epixel MLM software integrated with advance payment option –  Bitcoin comes into play.

It makes sense to mention here that this currency is not backed by a tangible commodity. On the contrary bitcoins are traded online. Yes; this makes them a commodity in themselves. Typically; Bitcoin stands as an open-source product. It is accessible by anyone who is a user. All you need are a valid email address, Internet access, and money to get started.

How does Bitcoin work?

Internet users transfer digital assets (bits) to each other within a network. There is no online bank; rather, Bitcoin stands as an Internet-wide distributed ledger.

Bitcoin wallets thus store and use this digital currency and it also allows the users to sell out the virtual ledger by trading their Bitcoin to someone else. Of course; anyone can do this, anywhere in the world.

What are the benefits of Bitcoin integrated MLM software?

As already briefed; Bitcoin offers the ultimate freedom of making decentralized financial transaction. Put simply; it is a  convenient channel for the peer-peer transaction. Here are a few benefits of Bitcoin integrated MLM software

Fast transactions: For the uninitiated; Bitcoin is transferred instantly over the Internet.

No fees/low fees: Yes; unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be used for free or sometimes for a very low fee. Since there is no middleman, there are no authorizations and fees required and this improves profit margins sales.

Eliminates fraud risk: This is one important aspect to ponder on. Only the Bitcoin owner can send payment to the intended recipient hence it eliminates the fraud risk to a great extent. This is big for online merchants and network marketers

Data is secure: Let us not deny; internet is certainly not always a secure place for private data however with Bitcoin, users do not have to give up private information. This means that data remain secured

Convenient payment system: As a matter of fact; the network marketers can use Bitcoin entirely as a payment system.

International payments: You have heard that right; Bitcoin is used around the world as an international payment option.

Easy to track: Guess what; the network tracks and permanently logs every transaction in the Bitcoin block chain



What You Should Know about Bitcoin & its Integration in MLM Software

If you are skeptical towards digital currency like Bitcoin, the first question that would get into your mind is – why at all you will you use it when you have a stable currency? Albeit this has been a shared sentiment among all new users however if you come to look into the trends, you will begin to realize that as time passes by, Bitcoin is slowly making its way to be generally accepted in any market.

Let us not deny; the online payment system has revolutionized the MLM business. It has changed the face of MLM industry while carrying it to another plane altogether. Almost as an obvious result MLM industry has moved from the conventional trading base to the 21st century’s applicable network.

It makes sense to mention here; at Epixel MLM we have also geared up to significantly decrease the complexity of financial matters in an MLM organisation. We have integrated Bitcoin in MLM software

Now let us answer the question we began with – why use this type when you already have a reliable flat currency? The most reasonable reason has a direct connection with your anonymity. With Bitcoin integrated MLM software complete anonymity is possible. As long as you and your network use this you can freely exchange it over networks that accept it.

Also, it allows for lower transaction fees in comparison to flat money when you are using it. Does that ring the bell? Yes; it saves you a lot.

There is also no existing maximum limit to how much you spend with Bitcoin, this means; as long as you have it, you have the freedom to spend it.

So; here’s the bottom-line – you should consider software that integrates bitcoin wallet as well as the service providers. At Epixel Bitcoin MLM Software, we have done that for you!