Lead Hunting with No.1 Network Marketing Software

Leading Network Marketing Software from Epixel to Rule the Network Marketing Business

“Leads”, the critical factor for the growth and well-being of any sort of organization faces extreme competition from around the globe, especially in network marketing business. Lead hunting has its phase and modules to cover in its own way by means of software feature’s help, mostly a well-advanced version of Network marketing software does have infinite options for marketing lead generation. Through those features and enhanced online cum offline techniques, this can be easily achieved. Try this article, if you’re having trouble lately on the lead-analysis domain and to resolve such issues..

“Rather than sitting at a trade show table for hours on end, or sitting up a display in hopes that targeted consumers will complete a form, you can have leads generated and sent to you using the technology of the internet.”

Laura Lake Worked in About.com

– – Laura Lake


Probe and explore the hidden treasure among the marketing world ..!

Explore the Hidden treasure in Marketing World With Network Marketing Software

Marketing world can be a bit compressed with occupied spaces and attached strings, losing out from the middle of pavement takes not just short path exploration, in fact a brittle task to probe with. The hidden treasure needed to hunt down in marketing world with best techniques and a route map is thus essential in the journey. Leads are mostly generated with online media rather than that of offline techniques, as the digital world is more concerned about internet more leads are possibly available in network of networks itself.

In the Network marketing software there are certainly many such features available to organize any sort of lead generation facilities and a brilliant & outstanding features is termed as “lead capture campaigns”. Here, in this feature there are certainly many elements with a mix of offline adaption handled in online mode. The campaigns made by the marketing team is thus organized and controlled in online mode creating a full-coverage. Later on, these leads can be converted into potential clients and a follow-up team creates more opportunities in post-time. We’ve have already made you aware of these features in our previous MLM Software Blogs which includes the need for social media to improve clients and increase world-wide leads, and promotional marketing processes can also bring in the impact easily. Try our MLM Software demo to check out these exclusive features to hunt down the leads into potential clients.

A quest to complete..!

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MLM Business League & the mechanical part of operations

MLM Business League and the mechanical part of operations

The world is mechanical in nature and everyone is busy with their own life, controlling and maintaining their own business is what the new era has been involved with. They are onto the mechanical part when the business operational part comes in, but being in MLM business league it’s not wise to have a selfish-like attitude as the chance of getting the network apart is in high value. There are certain parts to check in the MLM business and make the necessary changes to be brought by the admin panel for the best results using direct sales software.

“All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.”


– – Pope Paul VI

Search the source of light to empower direct sales business!


Finding the light as the source for developing network connections is the main strategy when it comes to direct sales/selling business, keeping this in mind the marketers have to move forward in the direction of the best outcome. But as we discussed before the world has changed a lot from the time before, everything has torn apart from friendship to basic manners. Especially in direct sales/selling world the prestigious crown is what everyone is looking for and forgetting the brotherhood aiming for the money, nothing else matters in their way.

As Business admin, he/she do have the responsibility to make arrangements for making the team of users united together to built a kingdom of marketing. Motivation and other stuff are par up to a level but making them understand the need of being connected to each other is a hollow vessel, one has to fill in space with perfect ingredients with different valuable elements. We recommend you to adapt a soft spot i.e., use of direct sales/selling software and conduct the working with most of the features allows the users to settle down a bit and relax their thoughts. Relieving from all the burdens will automatically make sure of a happy heart, only a good heart with peace in mind will think twice before making a decision so that not much people will get hurt from our actions. Meeting the deadlines, achieving promotions, creating opportunities, helping the whole team, uplifting the bonus & commission ratio etc. will be a good option and most of the features are available in Direct sales software demo of the excellence of business.

Confer, grand & yield…!

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Importance of multi-language feature in Network marketing software

Importance of multi language in Network marketing Software - Epixel Software

Language is a powerful weapon for the best communication as well as an important tool in marketing. We know Network marketing software has been a revolution ever since it has launched in online market and it’s been a blessing for Network marketing business professionals, they can carry out the business with great ease and there lies the importance of a multi-language option. Clients may spread around the world who may not understand the universal language – “English”, henceforth multi-language feature is the best option that can also help in customer acquisition without any complexity. .

“Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.”

Avram Noam Chomsky American linguist - United States

– – Noam Chomsky

American linguist

The magic of multi-language feature in customer acquisition?

Magic of Multi language Feature in Epixel Network Marketing Software

Customer acquisition – the term have a great importance in every business and is a vital part especially for marketing business that is spread across widely across the globe. In Network marketing business one cannot predict the member location in advance, they can be from overseas or even on the other side of the globe. While connecting these users together in a network it is needed to be user-friendly and the members may not be good in English reading skills and therefore a language preference is to be given on the highest priority. This can help such users as there isn’t an issue regarding language and one can work with the team without such tensions and panic.

So, come to the part of how customers can be acquired using Network marketing software. As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, multi-language attracts attention of most crowd. The whole part of having such feature within the software platform alongside with other features add new flavors that can provide a new aroma on the dish. Network marketing software is enriched with such many features that can build up the whole castle of Network marketing business without much difficulties. You can check the multi-lingual features in our Network marketing software demo and make a wise decision of taking up the software help for your marketing business.

Do the right thing…!

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Gift MLM Plan and all you want to know about it !

understanding of Gift MLM Plan


Gift MLM Plan, just like the name of the plan it works in the form of gifts, and btw the plan does have other names too say like donation plan etc. The plan is ‘quite a go’ if the network marketing users are happy to donate certain amount and later on receiving back the donation in the form of gifts or in any other form. Here is brief information about the plan and how it is implemented via a MLM Software.

“What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Each face in the rainbow of colors that populate our world is precious and special.”

Morris Seligman Dees, Jr. is the co-founder and chief trial counsel for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and a former market engineer for book publishing

– – Morris Seligman Dees


Is Gift Plan flexible enough to include as MLM Plan?

Gift Plan as Best MLM Plan

Maintaining a strong network needs mutual interaction and well, a good determination to look back each other’s back is a nice gesture to move on with. Running alongside with best partners/colleagues hand to hand with a Gift MLM Plan is a warm welcome part. So, how is the plan working? Let’s say user A is in need of some help and he is seeking that from his mates, he proposes a request and submits to other users in the network. The request is first needed to be admitted by the admin and then approves the request as a help seeking request. One or more users will be happy to donate for user A and him/her will accept the donation and later on gifts back to the donator.

Another scenario is, in gift plan let the user A creates a project named ‘X’ and he provides all the information about the project in advance including the cost. This project will be aired after the admin approves the project and will be live on the portal network. The displayed project will be visible for all users and they can enter into the business by donating a percentage of amount set by the initial user. After the new user enters into the network they will be looking for more users until the cent percent of initial amount is met. If this amount is met then the project will be tagged as “closed” and a new project can be then added again. The gift/donation plan can be reconstructed to any sort of manner that uses “helping” tasks with software customization. Customizing the plan is an excellent choice to make for and implementation part is a superdroid!

“Connect, Donate and Earn…!”

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Referral link and other add-on’s in MLM software explained !

Add Ons and Referral Links in Marketing Software


Having various add-ons in a package is valuable and especially in MLM software enabling these might add great prospect and progression to develop MLM business. Referral links are special add-on features available in the product package for network extension, there are many such incredible features and here in this article we’re going to explain it for you for the sake of software awareness. Let’s see those in detail.

“Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. But too often it seems to make things harder, leaving us with fifty-button remote controls, digital cameras with hundreds of mysterious features and book-length manuals, and cars with dashboard systems worthy of the space shuttle.”

James Surowiecki American Author

– – James Surowiecki

American journalist

What are Referral Links?

Referral Links Explained

Creating awareness on branding is always a key aspect and it is perfectly executed with marketing modules and so what about adding new members to your network? How is it done after the part of marketing and other lead generation campaigns? One can use referral links as an option to add new users by just sending them the link through social media or else via mail. They just need to click on these and links and there you go, they will be added in the network.

Similarly there are other features like genealogy tree node addition, where admin can add new members out there to make the tree useful in viewing things in a way that a single glance over it have to tell the entire story of the network without much puzzles to solve. User can thus refer as members as possible to build up his/her own network and achieving the target to receive deserved commission and bonuses. These are cool tactics offered in a well-equipped MLM Software that brings interdigitation among the members for a vast fortune. All such features can be enabled and disabled in good MLM software, the whole new MLM Software Demo part conveys such dignity and well in the preset demo these can purely caught in the eyes. With additional customization offering one can wonder how priceless the packages get to be.

“Refer and carry on…!”

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